Who can post to Community Spotlight?
IOT students and employees with a Patron Account can submit a Community Post for inclusion in Community Spotlight. Login using your Library Card Username/Barcode and Password. Next, click the Interests Tab.
IOT students and employees with a Patron Account can submit a Community Post for inclusion in Community Spotlight. Login using your Library Card Username/Barcode and Password. Reminder: If you don't have a Library Card then Register at https://it-colleges.booksys.net/opac/itc/index.html?mode=main#menuHome. Click, My Items. Next, click the Interests Tab. Next, click My Community - Click to View. Next, choose to either:
- Create a Group - Type in Name (Organization Name), Description (i.e. Mission Statement, Purpose, etc.), and Keywords (i.e. descriptions, audience, interests, etc.)
- Create an Event - Encourage participation in your event by entering a name and detailed explanation (what/when/where) in the fields below.